by CDM | Aug 8, 2020 | General
Currently playing: Lisa Hannigan God bless YouTube and it’s random algorithms You know when you’re watching a video on YouTube, and it finishes, and before you know it, YouTube starts randomly playing something else. And 9 times out of 10, you just cancel...
by CDM | Aug 3, 2020 | General
Life begins again, at 40... a long time ago, in a town not so far away… Back in 2004, I was in a band, I played guitar and we’d meet up at least twice a week in Kingston and play endlessly for hours. I enjoyed it, I’d even go so far to say I lived...
by CDM | Jun 12, 2020 | General
An Introduction Hello there… So here is a quick introduction to My name is Colin, or just CDM on here for short, and this is a blog, written by myself, about things I do I guess. Why a blog then? Well, blame the Covid 19 pandemic I guess. ...