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Currently playing: Lisa Hannigan

Currently playing: Lisa Hannigan

You know when you’re watching a video on YouTube, and it finishes, and before you know it, YouTube starts randomly playing something else.

Life begins again, at 40…

Life begins again, at 40…

Back in 2004, I was in a band, I played guitar and we’d meet up at least twice a week in Kingston and play endlessly for hours. And then, it stopped…

Video: Songbird (Oasis cover)

Video: Songbird (Oasis cover)

This recording kinda happened by accident really.  Last week, I bought a new condenser mic (the Marantz MPM1000) and this morning, I was testing it against different cameras. 

Archives: First

Archives: First

Recorded on an old Tascam 424 back in, what I guess must be 2002, it is possibly my earliest attempt at recording music (or at least the earliest existing example of me trying such things).

New Track: Ambience

New Track: Ambience

A quick instrumental.  Well, more of a test than anything. Written and recorded in April 2020, using GarageBand, Guitar Rig Pro 5 and an Epiphone ES335 Dot. More posts...

An Introduction

An Introduction

Hello there... So here is a quick introduction to  My name is Colin, or just CDM on here for short, and this is a blog, written by myself, about things I do I guess. Why a blog then? Well, blame the Covid 19 pandemic I guess.  Usually, I wouldn't...

The Monday Sessions

Multi-instrument video recordings
